PLUNDERED HEARTS Part 1 PLUNDERED HEARTS is an interesting adventure, although it seems to be one of Infocom's easier games. I sincerely hope that the ease of the game had nothing to do with the fact that it is the first adventure written with a female as the protagonist. (Sure, LEATHER GODDESSES could be played from either male or female point of view, but the protagonist was actually androgenous. In this one, you're really a woman!) Well, no matter what gender you prefer, you've gotten yourself in another mess and it's time to do something about it. You'll wake up locked in a cabin, and there's nothing you can do about it for the moment so you might as well just GET UP and take a look around. There are several crucial things in this game that will seem to happen whether you take an active role or not. For instance: There's a coffer under your bed. If you LOOK UNDER BED you'll find it. But if you don't, eventually the ship will lurch and the coffer will slide out into plain sight. Regardless, TAKE COFFER. You won't be able to open it. Now just WAIT until Crulley comes in and makes some lewd and suggestive remarks. At this point you again have a choice. You can either HIT CRULLEY WITH COFFER, or you can just WAIT and someone else will hit him. Either way, Captain Jamison will come in and either knock Crulley out or congratulate you for doing so. He'll tell you that your father sent him and give you a note from him. READ NOTE and you'll get some background on what's going on. Then he'll take the coffer and ask you if you're willing to be put under his protection. Since your father seems to trust him, you should, too. NOD and you'll be taken up on deck where you'll be captured by Davis. At this point you can either SCREAM or WAIT, the results are the same. Jamison will dispatch Davis and carry you off to his ship. Again you will wake up in a locked cabin. This time, however, you're in no immediate danger. WAIT while he tells you his life story and also tells you to trust Cookie if anything goes wrong. It's important to know who to trust. If you want some background, you can ASK ABOUT LAFOND instead of just waiting. Soon he'll leave the cabin, and it's time for you to do some exploring. There's nothing interesting in the cabin, so go north behind the cupboard and you'll find yourself on the landing. OPEN CUPBOARD then ENTER CUPBOARD and you'll find a pile of clothes. If you're going to do much adventuring, it's not too smart to look like a girl. (Especially on a ship full of pirates!) REMOVE FROCK then WEAR BREECHES and WEAR SHIRT. (For some reason known only to Infocom, you can't put on two pieces of clothing at the same time!) About this time Jamison will show up again, comment on your attire and give you the coffer back. This time it's been unlocked so OPEN COFFER and TAKE INVITATION. Go north out of the cupboard then down to the aft hold. There are stairs here, but you won't be able to get through the hatch, so ignore them and go north to the hold. Uh, oh! There's a fire creeping toward the ammunition. If you EXAMINE gate you'll find that it's locked, but there is a 6" gap at the top. There's nothing you can do about the fire right now, and you actually have quite a long time before the ship will explode, so go south, up and south again to the cabin. When you enter the cabin you'll see that a rope ladder is hanging past the window. You can't open the window, but that coffer should come in handy, so BREAK WINDOW WITH COFFER. Now GET ON LEDGE and GET LADDER. Going up four times will take you to the Poop Deck. While there, you will notice that the ship is halfway between the island and some reefs -- remember this. As you continue to explore, keep watching the description of the ship's position. North will take you to the Quarterdeck. Read the descriptions carefully here because you're going to get a lot of information you need. Somewhere along here you'll notice that there is a man swimming toward shore and he will say something about "...mischief...reefs..." Another clue. Also note the casks for future reference. EXAMINE CASKS will reveal that one of them has no lid. North again will take you to the Main Deck. Here there are two barrels. EXAMINE BARRELS will show you that one is full of rum and the other, water. Go north again to the Forecastle. You will see a mooring winch here and some rigging. You can climb the rigging if you want an interesting view, but it's not necessary. Go north again and you're out on the Bowsprit. Here you'll find that the rope holding the sea anchor has been cut. Also, about this time you should discover that the ship seems to be a little closer to the reefs. South to the Forecastle and EXAMINE WINCH. You'll see a lever and a sign that tells you how to use it. LIFT LEVER, and you have saved the ship from crashing on the reefs! Now ENTER SHACK, and you'll discover the cook. You can ask him about some things if you wish, but it's not necessary. He makes it obvious that he knows who you are and tells you about signaling from the house on shore for help. TAKE DAGGER, then go east and south to the Main Deck. Time to deal with that (very slowly burning) fire! Remember the water barrel? Well, TEAR FROCK (I'll tell you why in a minute) and you'll end up with a rag. DIP RAG IN WATER and then OPEN CANVAS. Now down to the hold and THROW RAG OVER GATE and the fire is taken care of. (If you hadn't torn the dress, you wouldn't have been able to throw the heavy, waterlogged thing over the gate...poor weak creature that you are!) Now go north to the Crew's Quarters. You'll see a leather bottle and a bit of mirror. TAKE ALL. If you EXAMINE BOTTLE, you'll find that it's Laudenum (an old time cure-all which cured nothing, but after taking it you didn't care if you were sick!). Go south, up, and south again, and you're ready to get out of here! Remember the open cask? Well ENTER CASK and while you're in it, EXAMINE CASK. There's an old slab of pork here. Never know what might come in handy so TAKE PORK. Now CUT ROPE WITH KNIFE and you're on your way! Nothing to do now but WAIT until the cask comes to rest somewhere. PLUNDERED HEARTS Part 2 Well, that was an interesting ride. You should now find yourself in the shallows. GET OUT OF CASK and go west, then north to the Lawn. Here you will be able to eavesdrop on a conversation, and you'll spot Crulley. When they are finished talking, go east into the Folly. You'll see that one slat is loose. PULL SLAT and you'll make a hole big enough to get through. About this time Jamison should show up. He'll give you a flower, and there will be a little romantic scene here. I leave it completely to your discretion as to how to react. It really doesn't matter what your answers or reactions are here. When he leaves, you can ENTER HOLE and go north to the house. You'll find a closed window here, but don't let that stop you. OPEN WINDOW and then go west and you'll find yourself in the Library. The description will tell you about a bookcase, globe, portrait and hat. Now, no self-respecting pirate's house would be complete without a secret passage, and that portrait looks very interesting. If you take a look at the money that came with a game, you'll see a representation of the infamous Lafond wearing the hat, holding a book, with his finger pointing to St. Sinistra on the globe. Very interesting, let's try it. GET HAT, GET TREATISE OF POWER, then TOUCH SINISTRA. Voila! The portrait opens. ENTER PORTRAIT and go down and east twice to the Guard's Bunkroom. There's a powder horn and a key here, so TAKE ALL and go west again to the Passage. There's nothing of interest south of here, so go west again and then south to the Anteroom. While that crocodile might LOOK lazy, believe me, he's not! If you could get him to take a nap, you might be able to get by him. Well, let's try it. SQUEEZE BOTTLE ON PORK, and GIVE PORK TO CROCODILE. Now WAIT about two times and he'll doze off. Now go south and west and you'll come to a locked cell. UNLOCK DOOR WITH KEY, OPEN DOOR, and go north. There's your Papa. He's so grateful that you risked your life rescuing him that he'll immediately start making disparaging remarks about your clothing! Don't bother even talking to the ingrate, it isn't necessary. He'll follow you anyway. Go south, east, north twice, up, and south back to the Library. The old man will go off to rescue his girlfriend while you go on to more adventures. Go east, south, west three times, and northeast to a Clearing. You'll see some heavy vines on the side of the house here, so go up to the Bedroom. Here you'll find a gown, which would probably be a lot more appropriate for a Ball than what you're wearing. REMOVE SHIRT then REMOVE BREECHES and WEAR GOWN, and you're ready for the party! Now north, east twice, and south to the Gallery. You'll be able to see the dance floor below and a large chandelier held up with a rope and pulley system. Keep this in mind for future use. Go north, west, down and south. The butler will ask you for your invitation, so GIVE INVITATION TO BUTLER and then go south to the Ballroom. The action here is rather variable depending on the timing. Jamison will show up and dance with you. You can either use WAIT or DANCE WITH JAMISON until it's over. While you're dancing, he'll tell you about signaling from the upstairs seaward window if you need help. When Jamison leaves, you can WAIT a turn or two and then Lafond will ask you to dance. Say YES or NOD, and DANCE WITH LAFOND until the dance ends. Now WAIT again (lot of hanging around in this game, huh?). There will be a commotion and you'll see Jamison being dragged off. WAIT again until the butler tells you that Lafond wants you in his room. Go up, east twice, OPEN DOOR, and go north into the dreaded man's bedroom and a fate worse than death! PLUNDERED HEARTS Part 3 Didn't your mother ever tell you not to go into strange men's bedrooms? And you have to admit that Lafond is pretty strange! Well, let's try to make the best of a bad situation. As soon as you enter the bedroom, LOOK OUT WINDOW and you'll discover that this is the seaward window Jamison told you about, a perfect place from which to signal if you need help. (And at this point, you have very little doubt that you will need help!) Lafond will pour you a glass of wine. DRINK WINE, it won't hurt to have just one drink. About this time Jamison will burst into the room to rescue you. But before he can do that, Crulley will come in behind him and bash him in the head. Hmm. Lafond will have Jamison taken to the dungeon, and then he'll turn his back to "get into something more comfortable." (Now where have you heard THAT before?). He'll ask you to pour him some more wine. Now of course your first impulse is to squeeze some of those knockout drops into his wine, but believe me that won't work. One way or another you'll be foiled in that attempt. About this time the butler will come in with some cold chicken. Lafond will tell you to sprinkle some spice on the chicken, but you have a better idea! GET SPICE then THROW SPICE AT LAFOND. This will temporarily blind him, and he'll dash out of the room. No time to waste now! POUR WINE IN BLUE GOBLET then SQUEEZE BOTTLE IN BLUE GOBLET and go south. The Butler will stop you, so GIVE BLUE GOBLET TO BUTLER. Now WAIT one turn and the butler will join the crocodile in the land of Morpheus. But not before he tosses your trusty bottle out the window. SIGNAL SHIP WITH MIRROR. And you're off to rescue yet ANOTHER victim from the dungeon. Go south, west, down, and south to the Ballroom. You might have to WAIT one turn for Jamison's men to show up. When they do, Cookie will find you and ask you if you know where Jamison is. NOD and he will follow you. Go north, east, and north to the Library. GET HAT, GET TREATISE OF POWER, TOUCH SINISTRA, and the secret passage will open. ENTER PASSAGE and go down and south. The crocodile has awakened from his nap, but if you have Cookie with you it's okay. He'll offer to wrestle the beast while you go about your business. Go south and you'll find Jamison shackled to the wall. There is a rapier here. GET RAPIER and Crulley will leap out of the shadows. Now be careful here. If you try to kill Crulley, you will be in deep trouble. Instead FIGHT CRULLEY. It should take about two times to force Crulley to fall through the open trap door. CLOSE TRAP. Now GIVE SMELLING SALTS TO JAMISON. He's still locked in those shackles though. Remember the broken brooch? Well, the pin might be just the ticket. PICK LOCK WITH BROOCH. Go north where Cookie will join you, up, south twice, and west where Jamison and Lafond are dueling. Don't stand around to watch, but go up, east and south to the Gallery. You'll see that Jamison is having trouble because of his wounds. He's going to need help here. UNTIE ROPE then SWING DOWN and the duel will be over! Cookie will tell you that you have to get out of there, but you notice that you have dropped all your positions while doing your Tarzan impression. You don't need any of the other junk, just GET POWDER HORN, and go south three times to the beach. On the beach you'll step on a stone. GET STONE. Jamison and Lafond will then discuss a duel and Lafond will agree if YOU are the prize! Jamison will ask you if you agree. NOD. Now Lafond will jump down onto the beach, dropping his pistol in the process. While he's busy dueling GET PISTOL then POUR GUNPOWDER IN PISTOL. While you're loading the pistol, Crulley is reloading his, so don't waste any time. As soon as you've loaded it, SHOOT CRULLEY. Meantime, Jamison has dispatched Lafond to his just reward. And there is nothing left but for you and Jamison to live happily ever after! PLUNDERED HEARTS is published by Infocom, Inc. and distributed by Activision, Inc. This walkthru is copyright (c) 1987 by Merlin. All rights reserved.